
Programme | Akoranga

We believe that tamariki need the opportunity to play and explore the environment. As teachers, we will provide opportunities that enable each tamaiti (child) to reach their full potential as individuals. Kaiako will facilitate the learning of each child’s unique skills and interest within a richly resourced environment that challenges and extends their learning. We refer to this as child directed learning. Children will have opportunities to experience their own and other cultures and to explore the wider community.

To holistically support children to be confident and competent lifelong learners we need to find ways to keep everything connected, so embedded in our programme is the desire for continuity for children. With strong mutually supportive relationships we believe that continuity can be strengthened for children. With this tamariki are more able to explore the true potential of learning. In turn, parents and kaiako can understand children’s learning better and contribute more authentically to children’s experiences at the centre. At the same time teachers are motivated and inspired by the work they are doing and are more focused, thus creating the best possible situation for all.

“In order to co-construct meaning and understanding, the teacher needs to become aware of what the child thinks and knows and understands, and to engage with this body of knowledge. The child’s own expertise is acknowledged as being as valid as the teachers.”

Learning Priorities

We believe learning is and should be fun and happens in a play-based environment. Kaiako plan for learning experiences and teaching strategies which extend and consolidate tamariki learning. We have created five key learning priorities which we feel support and grows the self-identity of each tamariki.

These learning priorities are at the heart of our goals for each tamariki and where we aim to grow and consolidate their learning throughout their time at the centre.

While we come together as a centre community, our preschool whānau, we are intentional about supporting and growing the self-identity of each tamariki, therefore the centre’s learning priorities focus on tamariki sense of self.

Self Knowledge

Who I am.

Self Expression

What I choose to play and explore.

Self Regulation

How I learn about and grow my emotions.

Self Esteem

How I feel about myself.

Self Care

How I can care for myself, others and things.

Sharing The Learning Journey

Each tamaiti has their own Learning Journey Book and online Learning Portfolio, which incorporates significant learning interests and centre events. Whānau and kaiako contribute to these with experiences and learning from the centre and home. This two-way communication recognises what occurs outside our four walls and the effects it has within and vice versa. Making connecting links between the centre and home enables tamariki to fully engage within their potential learning pathways. It ensures whānau are authentically involved and kaiako view the tamariki holistically.

All documentation (especially photos and learning stories) creates opportunities for children to revisit previous experiences. These act as a provocation to all tamariki whether they have been involved in the experience or not. This also creates the opportunity for children to reflect, discuss and build upon their previous experiences. The continuity for each child in terms of participation and communication is clearly highlighted within the documentation.

Years Strong

Nursery Ratio

Hours ECE 3yo

Preschool Ratio

Get In Touch

Location: 109 Beresford Street, New Brighton, Christchurch, 8061, New Zealand

Phone: 03 388 7333

Mobile: 027 388 7331

Opening Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 4.30pm