Welcome | Nau mai, haere mai
New Brighton Community Preschool and Nursery is a place that provides high-quality education and care for tamariki (children) through to their primary education years. For 40 years our innovative, child directed learning centre has had a strong history and connection within our seaside community, and a keen interest in nurturing our environment, alongside our tamariki and their whānau.
Our Philosophy
Education, wellbeing, and care of our tamariki are very important and we believe that early childhood education plays a big role in raising resilient future adults. Learning should be fun and happens in a play-based environment. We see a positive attitude toward learning as a foundation for fulfilling great potential. It takes place through relationships and within trustful relationships tamariki can face and triumph over challenges, embrace opportunities and place increasing value on their own capability. We pride ourselves in embracing multiculturalism, diversity, and inclusion within our preschool and nursery. A lot of our tamariki come from different parts of the world. Kaiako (teachers) encourage our bilingual tamariki and their whānau (family) to share their language and culture within the preschool and nursery for everybody. We believe this is so important to create awareness of different cultures in our world.
Our Values
Our centre is guided by core values which are based on New Zealand´s unique Māori culture, allowing us to integrate our indigenous language in the thoughtfully prepared learning environment for our tamariki.
The core values which underpin the actions we take and decisions we make are…

We focus on nurturing and strengthening relationships and being connected, actively engaging in respectful partnerships with whānau and our community. We aim to provide a place to join together, create community, recognise and affirm diversity and find acceptance. We prioritise getting to know each whānau, we strive to be responsive to their needs, expectations and the aspirations for their tamariki.

We show service through care, respect, hospitality, integrity and sincerity. We nurture relationships and respect the mana of others. We appreciate that every tamariki is an integral part of a whānau and they come to this place with their own culture, language and identity and bring with them knowledge and experience of their world.

We are a community of learners, learning together and from each other, connected to the world around us. Our kaiako engage tamariki interests, provide open-ended and provoking experiences that enable tamariki to be challenged and succeed. We have high expectations of our learners and know that when kaiako are present, enthusiastic and willing, tamariki are capable participants in a learning-focussed curriculum.

We are committed and purposefully look after our people, resources and places, growing the desire to care for these in the future. Kaiako support tamariki to engage respectfully with, and to have aroha for, Papatūānuku. We encourage an understanding of kaitiakitanga and the responsibilities of being a kaitiaki by caring for our centre and local community. We appreciate what it is to be a part of this community, with our beautiful beach and natural environment, as part of the greater Christchurch and within the wider history and partnerships of Aotearoa.
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.
What is the most important thing in the world?
It is the people, the people, the people.
Years Strong
Nursery Ratio
Hours ECE 3yo
Preschool Ratio
Get In Touch
Location: 109 Beresford Street, New Brighton, Christchurch, 8061, New Zealand
Phone: 03 388 7333
Mobile: 027 388 7331
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 4.30pm